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Andrew Betsis

Sách của tác giả Andrew Betsis

Upgrade IELTS - 6 Practice Tests (Kèm 1 CD)
Andrew Betsis
51.000  168.000 
UPGRADE IELTS - 5 IELTS Academic Tests &1 IELTS General TestIdeal for score: 5.0 -7.0• 5 IELTS Academic Tests & 1 IELTS General Test• Justifications of the answers• Model answers for the writing tasks The Self Study Guide includes:• Audioscripts and Answer Key• Writing Supplement including model ... Xem thêm
The Vocabulary Files - Upper-Intermediate (CEF Level B2)
Lawrence Mamas
24.000  78.000 
ContentsUnit 1 : EconomyUnit 2 : AnimalsUnit 3 : The environmentUnit 4 : HealthUnit 5 : DrivingUnit 6 : Holidays...Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
The Vocabulary Files - Advanced (CEF Level C2)
Sean Haughton
24.000  78.000 
ContentsUnit 1 : The business worldUnit 2 : The world of politicsUnit 3 : EmploymentUnit 4 : Crime and PunishmentUnit 5 : Different kinds of peopleUnit 6 : Poverty and social issues...Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
The Vocabulary Files - Advanced (CEF Level C1)
Lawrence Mamas
24.000  78.000 
ContentsUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5 Unit 6 ...Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
The Grammar Files - Upper-Intermediate (CEF Level B2)
Lawrence Mamas
24.000  78.000 
ContentsUnit 1 Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6...Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
The Grammar Files - Advanced (CEF Level C1)
Lawrence Mamas
24.000  78.000 
ContentsUnit 1 : Tenses: The presentUnit 2 : Tenses: The past ant the futureUnit 3 : Relative clauses (1)Unit 4 : Relative clauses (2)Unit 5 : Causative form and adjectivesUnit 6 : Inversion...Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
Successful FCE - 10 Practice Tests For Cambridge English First (Kèm 1 CD)
Lawrence Mamas
96.000  320.000 
Contents:Speaking Section:FCE Exam Guide: Practice Test 1 Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Practice Test 7Practice Test 8Practice Test 9 Practice Test 10(Giá = Sách + 1 CD)  Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
Succeed In TOEIC - 10 Practice Tests (Kèm 1 MP3)
Andrew Betsis
108.000  358.000 
Contents:Toeic FormatToeic Practice Test 1Toeic Practice Test 2Toeic Practice Test 3Toeic Practice Test 4Toeic Practice Test 5Toeic Practice Test 6Toeic Practice Test 7Toeic Practice Test 8Toeic Practice Test 9Toeic Practice Test 10Toeic Vocabulary ExercisesAnswer Key and Audio Scripts (Giá = Sách + 1 CD)Mời ... Xem thêm
Succeed In Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) - 8 Practice Tests (Kèm 1 CD)
Lawrence Mamas
78.000  258.000 
Contents:Speaking Section Tests 1 - 8Practice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Practice Test 7Practice Test 8Audio Scripts & Answer Key (Giá = Sách + 1 CD)Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm
Succeed In Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) - 10 Practice Tests (Kèm 1 CD)
Lawrence Mamas
90.000  298.000 
Contents:Speaking SectionCambridge English: AdvanceExam GuidePractice Test 1Practice Test 2Practice Test 3Practice Test 4Practice Test 5Practice Test 6Practice Test 7Practice Test 8Practice Test 9Practice Test 10Audio Scripts & Answer Key (Giá = Sách + 1 CD)Mời bạn đón đọc. Xem thêm