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Nicholas Sampson

Sách của tác giả Nicholas Sampson

New Move Ahead - A Listening And Speaking Course (Kèm 1 CD)
Nicholas Sampson
81.000  268.000 
New Move Ahead is a completely updated listening and speaking course. Aimed at those students who already have a basic grounding in English, the wide-ranging activities are designed to consolidate and expand students’ ability to participate in everyday conversations.The course includes:- Integrated and comprehensive ... Xem thêm
New Way Ahead - A Listening And Speaking Course (Kèm 1 CD)
Nicholas Sampson
96.000  320.000 
New Way Ahead is a completely updated listening and speaking course. Aimed at intermediate students who wish to improve their fluency, the wide-ranging activities are designed to consolidate and expand students’ ability to participate in everyday conversations.The course includes:Integrated and comprehensive ... Xem thêm
Moving Up Listening And Conversation 2 (Kèm 1 CD)
Nicholas Sampson
63.000  208.000 
Moving Up Listening And Conversation 2nd edition is an updated listening and speaking course designed to improve students' fluency in and understanding of the English language.Moving Up Listening And Conversation 2nd edition is designed for students to use English language skills in real-life contexts. Listening ... Xem thêm
Moving Up Listening And Conversation 1 (Kèm 1 CD)
Nicholas Sampson
63.000  208.000 
Moving Up Listening And Conversation 2nd edition is an updated listening and speaking course designed to improve students' fluency in and understanding of the English language.Moving Up Listening And Conversation 2nd edition is designed for students to use English language skills in real-life contexts. Listening ... Xem thêm